Thursday, November 15, 2007

Reoccurring dreams part II by Ratch2k

Sorry this took forever!!! :)

Dream #4

I dream about the boy I loved in high school. A lot. But he never remembers me and I rarely can get him to look at me or talk to me. Some times he doesn't remember my name but more often then not he doesn't know me at all.

Remember that when you dream about someone you know you think of three things about this person that come to mind first and apply them to yourself. Because he was someone you really liked at one time he could symbolize a quality that you shared with him or a part of yourself that you like as well.

And this is where I am a little stumped on this dream. I have been trying to figure out what this last part of your dream means where he doesn't look at you, remember your name or know you. Here is what I've finally come up with, but you will have to be the real judge here. First, where he won't look at you, that could indicate your perception of something in your waking life or that could be telling you to open your eyes and look closer at your situation. Then there is the part where he doesn't recognize you. This could indicate a part of yourself that you don't recognize. This could also represent a part of you that is "unknown". Again, you'll have to soul search this one out.

Dream #5

I dream about being in high school all the time. I can never remember my schedule and I can't ever get to my classes on time, if I can even find them. There was one dream that the school was going to blow up because someone had put a bomb in the underground parking lot and I tried warning people to get out because it was going to blow, but no one believed me so I fled to the junior college just up the hill and watched the whole school blow up with everyone in it.

Being at school indicates time to learn a lesson or educate you on certain matters. You may be feeling tested or that you need to pass a particular situation. School could represent a fear of failure. When you're searching for a class you are directionless in some area of your life. In the particular dream where you experienced a bomb in the underground parking, this would indicate you were on the verge of an emotional explosion. The underground parking would also be a clue at that time that your emotions were held under for the time but may be coming up quickly.

Dream #6

I dream of going to Andrea's friend Brenda's house to feed the chinchillas that are in the basement.

Again, think of three things about Brenda and apply those qualities to yourself. Animals symbolize our basic instincts and behaviors. Are you behaving or do you need to behave like the animal in your dream? What characteristics does that animal have? I don't really know much about chinchillas or Brenda so this one you get to do yourself.

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