Monday, October 8, 2007

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving.

It is also the first Canadian Thanksgiving that I haven’t invited people over in 3 years. I haven’t had to cook a turkey or make stuffing. I haven’t even bought a pie. I had pie brought to me, but I haven’t had to lift a finger. It’s very nice, but at the same time rather sad. No one was invited because everyone has families of their own, or moved to different states or think that we’re silly for having it. I haven’t made a turkey or stuffing because I’ve been to sick to care. And I haven’t bought a pie because all money goes towards new tires. Sigh. But none the less....

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Jessica Pears said...

I meant to wish you a happy one this morning but life took over. So Happy Belated Canadian Thanksgiving!