Okay - I think this is the one Christmas thing I've done this year that I have actually enjoyed. I love the Forgotten Carols.
The Forgotten Carols, for those of you who don't know, is the story of a nurse named Constance who needs to learn the true meaning of Christmas and to "let HIM in." (Hmm... sound familiar?)
The old man "Uncle John" tells her the stories of people he had met and known over 2000 years ago, and their views of the Saviors birth. Well, if you listen closely to the story turns out that "Uncle John" is actually John the Beloved telling the story of Christ's birth.
It has changed a bit since I last saw it. I think that was 6 years ago after I had just returned from my mission. I had bought 3 tickets so I could take John and my friend Susan, but for one reason or another John could not come with me so I ended up taking another friend named Valerie and Susan and we made it a girls night out. The time before that was with my oldest brother and his wife a few years earlier. I think there may have been one other time then that, but I can't remember. But last night was the first time I had gotten John to come with me. For all the years we have been married I have been trying to convince him that we should go, but up until now we just hadn't been.
First of all, I forgot my Kleenex which was a terrible mistake, but luckily I was wearing long sleeves. And second of all, I don't recall myself being such a boob and crying so much over silly Christmas songs. And yet, perhaps it was the exact Christmas spirit that I have been missing and I just hadn't been able to find it yet.
Being there last night, brought back so many memories of things I have done in my life that is somehow related a to Michael McLean song, and added another to my list of songs that have touched me.
I remembered being at a fireside once back when I was 12. I think it was actually the "first" fireside I had ever been to. It was at the chapel on 50 West in Kaysville and I went with my sister. Who was the main speaker at this fireside? Michael McLean. I honestly have no remembrance of what he talked about, but I remember he sang "Together Forever" and of course every time he sings this song he makes everyone hold hands and sing the end of the song with him "we can be together forever someday," and I was there holding the hand of one of my favorite sisters singing this song and I knew that we would be together forever someday. Ever since that night, that song makes me cry - even more so on those days, weeks, months, and years when I feel like I'm not living up to the standards I know I should be.
The next song of Michael McLean's that I love is "Celebrating the Light." No, it's not a Forgotten Carol, nor is it a part of his every performance, but this song reminds me of my mission and how I'd listen to it all the time and it was just a sing out-loud feel good song that I love.
I love the Song "From God's Arms to My Arms to Yours" this song is about adoption. I've gotten more attached to this song the past few years as I have known many people who have been fortunate enough to adopt, and some times it seems that I may have to go that route one day too. (I hope not.)
"Which Part is Mine" is another song that has spoken to me in my times of need. Some times I need to be reminded that I don't have to do everything and I should step back and ask "which part is mine" so I can know what to leave in the hands of Heavenly father, and what I do need to worry about.
There are so many songs by this amazing man that have become a part of who I am and has helped me to celebrate the light that I have in me. But last night, one song hit me out of the blue and has now been added to my songs that have touched me list:
Mary Let Me Hold Her Baby
"She had a way with children; she molded them like clay.
She found the goodness in them all, and she nurtured them each day.
Though she never had been married or had children of her own,
She could make the toughest child be good.
And so she would not be misunderstood,
She told her story every chance she could:
'Mary let me hold her baby,
Her newborn son.
Though I'd never been a mother,
I felt like one.
Mary let me hold her baby
So she could rest.
And ever since the night I held him,
My life's been blessed.
Those like me who can't have children
Still can be mothers.
Something in his eyes convinced me
I could serve so many others.
Mary let me hold her baby,
So soft and warm.
Mary let me hold her baby,
And I was reborn.'"
Anyway that's enough of that for this evening. Needless to say I really enjoyed being at The Forgotten Carols Last night, and I'm very glad that we went. I think that I may have found a little bit of my Christmas Spirit. John really enjoyed it too, I bet I can convince him to go again next year. :)
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