Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dr. Who

This morning on the way to work my husband asked me "Aren't Cybermen really just Daleks?"
And my answer to him was "Silly John, Daleks are Daleks, and Cybermen are Cybermen."
"But the Cybermen are out to destroy humans just like the Daleks." He says.
And then I said, "The Cybermen just want to delete you if you don't comply, whereas the Daleks want to completely exterminate you. In truth I think I'd much rather deal with a Cyberman."
So I made a promise that when I had a moment to check I'd look up the origins of Cybermen and Daleks during my break time. Not only did I find a website completely dedicated to Dr. Who called OutPostGallifrey but I also found these two very informative Wiki entries regarding Cybermen and Daleks.
I also promised to look up the spawning cycles of slugs to see if they have live births, lay eggs or spontaneously split and also what is the difference between a slug and a snail.... but I thought that maybe that would make me sound like to much of a nerd so I'm skipping the life cycle of the slug for now.
So anyway... for those of you who have no desire to look up the information yourself the Cybermen were originally a wholly organic species of humanoids originating on Earth's twin planet Mondas that began to implant more and more artificial parts into their bodies as a means of self-preservation. This led to the race becoming coldly logical and calculating, with emotions usually only shown when naked aggression was called for. They show up several times in the Dr. Who series with their first appearance back in 1967 with many variations of their robotic forms over the years.
Daleks on the other hand are organisms from the planet Skaro, integrated within a tank-like mechanical casing. The resulting creatures are a powerful race bent on universal conquest and domination, utterly without pity, compassion or remorse (as all of their emotions were removed except hate). They are also, collectively, the greatest enemies of the Time Lord known as the Doctor. They first appeared in 1963 and have remained the same salt and pepper shaker shapes throughout the series'.
So there you have it. Daleks vs. Cybermen.

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