Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Guess what wii found at the mall tonight. . . we are very excited. we were just walking through the mall and there was a little tiny sign on a Wii box at Game Stop that said "In Stock" so everything we were going to do got thrown out the window and we spent all our money in one place. . . plus some. But we have been looking for one anyway so it was a surprise to just come out of the blue like that.


Anonymous said...

No Way! We'll never see you on here again! :( I'm jealous.

z said...

You bought another cat? I dont get it....if you really wanted another cat, there is one in my backyard that I dont want

Anonymous said...

Yay! Wii parties! That will be so fun, i'll have to come over soon with friends of course! (I am dating a new guy now, and making new friends!)

Anonnymouse said...

so....does this mean you wont be coming over to our place anymore?