Tuesday, April 29, 2008

101 Things I love about John:

  1. His smile
  2. His perfect eyebrows
  3. His soft hands
  4. His laugh
  5. His “Logan” giggle
  6. His voice. I love listening to him talk. Sometimes I get in trouble because I stop listening to his words and just listen to his voice and I can’t remember a single thing he just told me.
  7. His innocence
  8. The way he protests doing the dishes but does them anyway
  9. Post-Mono napping. If anything good can come from having mononucleosis then napping is one of them.
  10. The way he plays with my hair to make me fall asleep or comfort me, or sometimes he just does it and doesn’t realize he’s doing it, and that’s okay with me.
  11. He lets me sleep in on Saturday mornings
  12. He does the laundry
  13. He cleans the bathroom
  14. He kills the bugs for me. Not that I’m afraid of them, or that I can’t do it myself, it’s just nice when he does it for me.
  15. He is more patient then I am
  16. His understanding (most of the time) that naps are a priority
  17. Every song he sings or makes up includes my name
  18. Every song he tries to sing correctly ends up with “something something” in it
  19. His snoring. He doesn’t snore all the time, and he never believes me when I tell him he is, but sometimes he does
  20. Listening to him breathe in the dark
  21. When we lay in the dark and talking about nothing
  22. His night terrors. The range and variety of objects in his nightmares amuses me... I may not like them waking me up at 2:00 am, but really puppies with a snake for a leg there’s humor in that. These took a little getting used to after we got married, but now I can laugh about them as soon as he’s back to sleep and not screaming any more.
  23. His love of Science/Fantasy Fiction
  24. His love of Dungeons and Dragons. We don’t get to play very often anymore, if at all, because our group split up and/or moved away, but it was fun while it lasted.
  25. His dislike of yard work (I hate it too, but unfortunately it must be done)
  26. How he picked up “ooga-mooga” nose rubbing from me (Mr. Rogers/Daniel Tiger) a trait I plan on passing on to our children.
  27. His profile
  28. His hazel eyes
  29. How he rubs his unshaven chin on me just to get a reaction
  30. Surprise love notes in my email box
  31. Flowers for no other reason then that I am loved
  32. How my cats adore him and he hates them
  33. His “life mottos”. John’s mottos: “Everyone needs a motto”, “People Leave”, “Feelings get hurt”, “There is always room for chocolate” and I think there are more but neither of us can remember.
  34. His willingness to try something new
  35. His Kisses
  36. His ability to know when to just not try with me
  37. He holds me while I cry and doesn’t always try to fix the problem, sometimes he just tries to understand
  38. His constant worrying about everything. He inherited this from his mother’s side of the family (along with all his health problems but that’s a different topic)
  39. How he is jealous of everything that takes my time or attention – books, computers, games, people ...  (yes, annoying, but loveable)
  40. He buys me books that I can’t read because if I start reading a book he begs for my attention. Sometimes I wonder why I want kids when I already have someone demanding my attention, but the answer to that is … as long as they’re as cute as John then that’s okay.
  41. His priesthood
  42. His testimony
  43. The fact that he served a mission and doesn’t think less of me for being one of “those” sister missionaries
  44. We’re together for rest of eternity. I am forever grateful for our temple marriage.
  45. His fake mockery of my love of the 80’s when I know deep down he loves it too.
  46. His giant bear feet slippers
  47. His obsession with plucking his uni-brow hairs
  48. His collection of super hero shirts
  49. His desire/need to be accepted
  50. His frustration with video games that prompted the rule of:  “if you’re swearing at a video game it’s time to turn it off.”
  51. How he can never just play a video game, he always needs to find the cheat codes or buy the manual as soon as possible so he can just beat it.
  52.  Butterfly kisses
  53. Back when we were just friends he would sing the song “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You” by Frankie Valli because it made me giggle and blush (and I was madly in love with him but he was dating someone else.)
  54. How when he talks about boilers and water heaters he sounds like he knows what he’s talking about.
  55. How we used to lay on his parent’s front lawn and talk about everything from socks to sex and it was all okay with us.
  56. Comic books
  57. His friends. When I married him (and before) I knew that being with him meant being with them. He’s a package deal.
  58. He’s the go to guy. John is the hub of his friends wheel of life he would often get calls of “what are you doing this weekend” or “what movie showing are you going to” or “we’re all coming to your house for XXX Holiday” but like I said before, marrying him I married his friends.
  59. Disneyland. He took me to the happiest place on earth, but it was even better because I was with him.
  60. His optimism
  61. His love of cartoons. Our kids will never be lacking for a good kid show to watch because John has already bought most of what we loved as kids.
  62. His over active conscience (he has enough for both of us)
  63. His overactive imagination (again, he has enough for both of us)
  64. His desire to learn, but not necessarily “book learning”
  65. His partial disinterest in sports. He doesn’t care about sports enough to keep me happy, but on the other hand he cares enough to keep others happy too.
  66. Listening to his “old guy” stories from work
  67. How when he was 18 and I was 19 we went swimming with his girlfriend at her uncle’s house and when I complained about how I looked in a bathing suit he said “its okay, I’d rather see you naked.” I was shocked and a little embarrassed, but the little bit of me that wanted him cheered because that sounded to me like I was winning.
  68. How he’ll have ice cream for dinner with me and not complain one bit
  69. He hates animals but lets me have them because I love them and he loves me
  70. How he takes everything my mother says with a grain of salt and always provides the perfect response
  71. How he listens to my father’s stories because all his children “stopped listening a long time ago”
  72. How useless information collects in his brain to spout forth at any given moment … movie quotes, LDS trivia, information regarding documentaries that I turn on and then fall asleep through (ask about UHF sometime or The Lord of the Rings)
  73. When he sets his mind to do something he does what he can to accomplish that goal
  74. His inner monologue. This was gone for a time when he came home from his mission and he said all sorts of things that shouldn’t come out of people’s mouths, but he has control of that now … for the most part.
  75. If you are what you eat then John’s definition of chocolate and himself is “short sweet and better then sex”
  76. He indulges me with socks
  77. He honors his mother and father, and mine
  78. On our first “real date” we went to the HORDE Festival to see the Barenaked Ladies, Fastball and The Blues Traveler with Andrea and Mike McAlister. We had fun and were sitting down the hill from them and periodically through the evening Andrea would throw condoms at us … but the real reason why this is on my list of why I love John is because that is the night he first held my hand AND he had to spend time with my family and he didn’t run screaming.
  79. How no short shopping trip is never short when he is with me.
  80. Sometimes after a long horrible day he’ll offer to run me a hot bath so I can soak and read and be away from the world
  81. He is a blank page when it comes to musicals. He hasn’t seen many so anything I present to him is new and he usually likes it.
  82. He enjoys Shakespeare. His family would go to the Shakespearian festival every year when he was younger so he can’t be put on the “Uncultured Swine” list.
  83. He is a movie fanatic. We have see almost every movie we have wanted to see on opening day… even if we had to stand in line for 8-10 hours for it. We think we may be getting to old for that so we are now thankful for reserved seating theaters.
  84. We make more trips to the toy store then most people who do have kids
  85. His dislike of blogging. He does this to humor me, but he really does hate it. And then he goes to all the trouble of posting and then complains that no one comments …. I find this funny and endearing and I don’t make him do it most of the time. He could delete his blog at any time, but he hasn’t yet.
  86. He looks really good when he gets all dressed up
  87. His patience with my taste in furniture. For most of our married life it’s been the orange 70’s furniture but we’re trying to transition out of that, but every couch I pick or painting I like he hates, but he’ll let me have it because I like it. As anyone who has been to our house can tell we have yet to compromise on this topic.
  88.  His theory of “Buy Two” one to play with and one to keep in its package to sell someday for lots and lots of money.
  89. He is humble
  90. He is devoted
  91. He never sleeps. He is an insomniac and I will often wake up at 3:00 am and find him missing. He’s usually playing video games on the other side of the house so he won’t wake me. Why do I love this? Sometimes when he’s not sleeping he writes me love notes for me to find in my email at work the next morning or a text message on my phone.
  92. His excitement over new toys or video games
  93. His desire to extend his weekends by staying up as late as possible and getting up really early. Sadly, I don’t always do this with him anymore, but I think it’s cute.
  94. All the reasons why he says “I knew I married you for a reason” … too many to share.
  95. Our Songs: Somebody – Depeche Mode and, Can’t Take My Eyes off of You –Frankie Valli both are songs that he would sing to be before we were married or even dating.
  96. How once upon a time him and his friends bought me a gift card for my birthday and then told me how to spend it.
  97. He drives to fast if the James Bond theme is playing in the car
  98. He is willing to do what is needed
  99. He is so bright and chipper in the morning. This actually really annoys me, and he knows it, however it’s all him and I would miss it if her were gone.
  100. He hates school, but he goes because he knows it will make our life better
  101. He loves me despite all of my flaws


Anonymous said...

Not only was that really sweet...now, thanks to #72 I have to know...Does John know what a "biffy" is? I definitely do but most people have no clue what I'm talking about when the subject comes up. LOL

Anonymous said...

Awe! I have a tooth ache.

Unknown said...

Biffy - no, John did not know what that was. I infact know that I had heard the word and perhaps knew what it meant at one time or another but I did have to look it up in the dictionary.

1. An outdoor toilet; an outhouse.
2. An indoor toilet.

Anonymous said...

It's a Canadian term. John Owes me $5.oo. Oh yeah, he also owes me a wii.

Captain Power said...

It's not a Canadian term. they use the trem "washroom," so there.

Anonymous said...

I posted the definition from dictionary.com on your blog. So there to you too! :P

PS. Be careful who you lie to. You may be the "Creator" but you're still Canadian and your head isn't even attached all the way at the top. I've seen your kind on South Park.