Monday, March 3, 2008

it's monday again

Well, this was quite the weekend.

fatigue * excitement * anger * snow * hot water * drugs * coughing

I don't even know where to start.

First off, I worked overtime last week and that makes me very tired... Yawn. As a matter of fact we ate out every day last week except for friday when we had cereal for dinner. mmm trix it's my favorite. So when saturday came along I really was just looking forward to lounging around all day and not doing any thing - but as destiny has a way of doing, my saturday was not to come to pass.
friday nigh also brought to my doorstep a new cable modem for my computer so I got to set that up and spent my evening perusing the world of internet fast enough to do what I want it to. I was finally able to watch all the videos that people have on their blogs and/or have been sending me in my email. I didn't go to bed until after 10 even though I should have gone to be closer to 8 or 9.
I woke up at 5:34am on saturday morning. Ick! so I got out of bed and took my variety of pills that I have obtained last week from my doctor for my coughing. I now have Abuterol pills as well as a cough suppressant pill to go along with my inhaler, and then at night I get some cough medicine with codeine. (mmm mmm good) and this all gets to go along with my regular concoction of allergy, heartburn, vitamins and metformin pills. :) how nice for me.
I did go back to bed after taking my pills, but that was pretty much useless I only slept in until 8 but my usual sleep-in-time is closer to 10 so this is a lack of sleep for me. I started my day with a headache.
I tried laying in bed for a while to watch cartoons and/or cooking shows, but the cartoons on saturday morning pretty much suck now-days and channels 11 & 7 both had pledge breaks and were running the same crappy show with some old guy planting roses. it really sucked. so i got out of bed.

Thus started my weekend.

For the most part it started out as a usual saturday get up. eat breakfast. loaf around for an hour or so. sweep the floor. moan about the dishes. go shower.... well the shower is what threw off the day. usage of the hot water caused the hot water heater to overflow. if that's the right term for it. John was going to switch laundry loads when he stepped into the large puddle of warm water that we some times call our laundry room.
I called my landlord and her Plummer husband and my husband and her husband discussed the problem and came to the conclusion that it was the temperature-pressure relief valve and my husband had to empty the water heater remove the relief valve and replace it. Boy that was fun! I'll tell ya what.... HA! During the change and removal of said part I didn't offer to help because I figured john could do it and the laundry room is less then big enough for two people. So he stormed around the house and finally left to go buy a part and I went to bed with that headache I had woken up with. Thankfully amidst all this I had put a chicken in the crock pot so i could have dinner and not worry about it later. So I napped from 4-6 and then woke up to dinner and a fixed water heater - what is the moral to this story? take a nap and when you wake up life is better.
After all that I decided it was time for more codeine and I went to bed I think we watched Shrek III that night, but it's all fuzzy.

Then what did I do on sunday? NOTHING. not even church. I woke up and sat at the computer for a while. I had cereal for breakfast and then cheese cake and and a Jones soda for lunch. I read all day on the couch next to john while he played video games. I think I showered and got dressed around 4:00pm because I had to go to a meeting to be on the committee for the Relief Society Birthday Party on March 25th. woo hoo that was exciting. We had left over chicken for dinner and went to bed around 7:00 so I could lie in bed and watch "Persuasion" on Masterpiece Theater. And I have decided who cares about Mr. Darcy. Captain Frederick Wentworth is the man I chose from the Jane Austin novels. :) But alas and alack there were pledge breaks but at least I had a book to read while they "blah blah blahed" about donating. sunday was good.

So that's my weekend. if you have read this far then good for you, you will now know that the secret code is 214Omega.

That is all.


Anonymous said...

I don't mind you taking all that medication, but don't do a Heath Ledger on me. Please be careful.

Sorry about the hot shower. Maybe someone or thing is out to get you.

And thank you for the secret code to nothing. You are the best!!!

Unknown said...

I don't think you know what you are talking about. Just you wait Loran you'll see what it to when I rule the world!

Anonymous said...

:-O Oh my... the secret code!!! No freakin' way!!! WOO HOO!!! I've been looking for this for years...

And what's this? A Cable Modem??? Sweet!!! Now I CAN send lots of e-mails full of videos... yay.

Hope your cough goes away. :-(