Friday, September 28, 2007

I Love the Ladies

My favorite article of clothing is a 3XL hoodie sweatshirt I got at a BNL concert back in 2003 (or 2004) it’s plain black except for the statement of “I Love the Ladies” on the front. I wore this sweatshirt to work almost every day for 2 years before I was informed that someone had complained to HR about it. I decided it was either a really angry lesbian or a lesbian that thought I was cute and then found out I was straight.

What is truly funny about all this is that there was a lady at CHG that I worked pretty closely with for the 4 years I was there and about a week before I quit I was saying something to my cubie mate about how I had finally lost enough weight to wear my wedding ring. and Val looked at me and said "you're married?" yes I answered her. "to a man?" she asked. I was a little taken aback. Yes I'm married to a man. She just laughed and said she just figured I was a lesbian because of the shirt I used to wear and she was just letting it pass, she didn't care that I wore it.
All in all it was very funny. I wear the shirt and I get weird looks. John wears it and he gets "Dude, cool shirt!"

1 comment:

Alesha said...

So funny. I love the ladies too. :)