Sunday, September 23, 2007

7:30 PM Sunday

It's sunday night. I didn't go to church today even though I told someone I would. I had dinner with my in laws and have been awake for a total of 7 hours all together. it's been a short day. I'm tired today. but I always am the day after a migraine.
I had a super migraine yesterday. I woke up at 6 am on a Saturday with what felt like an ice pick being hammered into my head. those are no fun. I got out of bed for some meds and thankfully we always keep the migraine medicine in the same spot so I can find it in the dark. Advil Migraine it's my savior on these types of mornings.
The house is totally dark because the sun doesn't come up for another hour and the night light has burnt out. All I can really see are the bright pain flashes behind my right eye. I was trying to get a glass of water to take my 4 pills but my hand couldn't grip the cup and it fell into the sink with old enchilada pans full of water and splattered me all wet and made me cry. I had to drink out of the tap. it's been a long time since I've done that.
Here is the point where I pull an ice pack out of the freezer and put it on my aching head. and crawl back into bed with my honey. He was still sleeping. This is the routine on most migraine days. I finally get to sleep again and slept until noon.
When I got up I had lunch and some more pills and went back to bed. I had so much I should have done yesterday. my house is a mess and my fishes need clean water but some days I just can't function. All in all though I suppose it could be worse.

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