Monday, May 12, 2008

oh my!

 New books for Liz ... The book was released on May 6, 2008 and like many other fans of the Twilight Series I went out and bought The Host this weekend.
We made our trip to Barnes & Noble on Friday night really just to see how much it was and for me to decide if I really wanted to waste my money on a new book or if I should just go to the library (I need a new Library Card) Well, when I got there I discovered that with my Barnes & Noble membership card the book wasn't too expensive so it was purchased as my "Mother's Day" present.
When we first waked into the store there was a big table with The Host displayed so I picked up my copy and wandered around the store for a while. I looked at blank note books while John looked at graphic novels, and then we were done.
On our way to the check out line there was a gaggle of women standing at the Host table talking about twilight and Stephenie Meyer and how they are so "in love" with Edward and the books should end this way or this should happen and "I Know" that such-and-such needs to happen and "This book is so good I've already read it w\twice and I'm buying another copy" and I'm a moron because I'm like 45 and I'm fawning over teen fiction and bothering people in the bookstore because I'm starving for human attention ... blah blah blah.
Ugh! I was annoyed and disgusted.
I admit it. I REALLY enjoyed reading the Twilight books and I am kind of excited about the final book in the series I already pre-ordered my copy ... but other then blogging about it once or twice and probably telling like 3 other people that they should read it I haven't obsessed myself about it.
I haven't been "obsessed" with something since Star Wars: Episode 1 and that was at least 9 years ago. 
I will also admit that I have looked online to mock those obsessive teenagers and the "TwilightMoms" and I do have a little interest in the movie that is coming out in December.... but really accosting people in the bookstore is out of my league and I'm just glad that I had picked up my book sooner and was on my way out of the store before crazy middle-aged woman had a chance to pin me in a corner and force me to be a very rude and annoyed book reader. I almost wanted to put the book down and leave the store without it after the display of stupidity at the Host table. But I bought the book and promptly went home and shelved it because I don't want to be one of "THOSE" people.
I work hard at being contrary. I don't want to conform. I don't want to like something just because someone tells me that I must. I now don't want to read my new book just to spite all those who ask me if I have read it, or those that may see it on my book shelve and ask me if it was any good I can say "I haven't read it, and frankly I don't think I want to anymore."


Jessica Pears said...

That's my SCarlet. Speaking of StarWArs...have you seen the preview for Clone Wars? I saw it at the Airport last THursday. I will be going. WAnna come?

Unknown said...

I have not seen the Star Wars trailor but I want to. and YES, I will go see it with you.

Anonymous said...

I know how you can read your book and feel good about it. Think of it as though you are rebelling against the obnoxious lady by reading it DESPITE her! :D