Friday, November 7, 2008

To Use, of Not to Use. That is the Question.

 At nights when I can't breathe I tend to sleep it a Breathe Right strip upon my nose. They really do work wonders and I and always glad for the sleep I can get when I can breathe. However, after a night of using the Breathe Right strips I usually wake up with a headache the next morning. Why is that? is my brain getting too much oxygen? did something crawl up my nose and do a jig in my sinus cavity? I guess I'll never know. It really just boils down to this - sleep with it on and get a head ache in the morning, or sleep without it and not really sleep at all...I guess I just have to live with the headache.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I used to make Brent use those and after like a year he finally realized that all they did was open up his nose a bit. He thought that they had some chemical in them that seeped into his nose.

But maybe they do, and that is what is causing the headaches....perhaps we will never know.