So Here we go...
My Handsome husband. You can't tell, but he just finished chasing me accross the house before I could take this picture.
The new fish. Sorry Jennie, but both your gold fishes are now dead. I replaced them with 2 new Mollies. One Silver Molly and one Dalmation Molly.
Mahana in her basket. This is Mahana's favorite spot in the house. Right under the fish tank and right in the middle of the living room so she can monitor what goes on from a comfortable place.
My Car. How do I love thee let me count the ways....
The ongoing project. It may look bad, but it's come a long way. We can see the floor now where a few months ago there was no open space at all.
Mmmmm ... Dinner. Beef stew with potatoes and carrots simmered all day in the crock pot. This is one of my favorite things about chilly weather.
The computer desk. I spend A LOT of time here.
In case you don't know, I love shower curtains. I like finding fun and fancy ones and yes, they all have to be clear so the light can come through, otherwise the bathroom is way too dark.
The remodeled living room. It's so much brighter and cheerier then before. I do still need a red couch.
1 comment:
I love the pictures. It's is funny to take pictures around the house of basic things.
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