
Even in tough economic times, we want to make sure the next president, no matter who that is, keeps his commitment to fighting global poverty. The total spent on all poverty-fighting programs make up less than one percent of the entire U.S. budget, yet we are saving millions of lives and helping the world's poorest people break free from crippling poverty.
These efforts will be even more critical as the effects of any global economic slowdown are magnified in already struggling countries. I just took action with ONE to tell my leaders to keep their promises to the world's poor, and you can too, here:
What? I don't care about the WORLD's poverty! I care about America's poverty and more specifically MY poverty! I would also prefer that we quit giving billions of dollars to help bail out the financial institutions and trying to help out the WORLD/America. Let these institutions bail themselves out or fail and keep my tax $$ out of it!
I was going to say how great it is to think about how much we have and give to others out side our country.
i kinda have to agree with Scratty on this one....i just wish some one would bail me out when i screw up!
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