Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Movies: Some we forgot to mention

The Mechanic (2011) - Jason Statham. Need I say more? He's a hit man who is double crossed by a double cross-er and he is out for revenge. With his new side kick, the crazy son of the man he murdered wrongfully, of course. This one wasn't as great as it could have been. It doesn't hold a candle to other Statham movies I have seen... even the dumb ones. I was disappointed. It could have been better.
Thunderball (1965) - SPECTRE has stolen two nuclear war heads! It's up to Sean Connery to get them back. You can never go wrong with feeding people to sharks. There were a lot of epic under water battle scenes in this one. Making some of the fights rather ridiculous. But that's Bond for you. Great movie with lots of action... even if it's in slow motion in scuba suits.
Diamond Are Forever (1971) - How many times do the villains have to create diamond satellite laser guns before they realize that they will never work because James Bond is there to thwart their plans? At least twice (this movie and Die Another Day, I believe.) 1970's Las Vegas is great. Stealing moon rovers. Blofeld and his cat. What a great move. Sean Connery doesn't disappoint as Bond again.
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) - Back to Roger Moore as Bond. This movie also has Jaws in. He's featured in several bond films as the henchman. Again with the missing Nuclear Subs. There is some underwater action. People being eaten by sharks. Explosions. James Bond stopping world domination.

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