Thursday, November 15, 2007

What I hate even more then people...


This morning on the way in to work, traffic was worse then usual at 6am. And what was the reason for this jam up? I blame the stupid electronic freeway signs. I believe these are a tool of the devil. I have been in several traffic jams lately and each of them can be traced back to one of these blasted signs. Traffic can be backed up for miles because all the morons who have to slow down to 20-40 mile per hour to read the stupid things. They were put in to HELP traffic flow by warning of problems ahead, but the signs ARE the problem. It took me an hour one afternoon to get from the mouth of Cottonwood Canyon to a stupid sign on 1300 East on I-215 one day all because of this stupid sign warning of lane closure ahead. After sitting in this traffic for so long I was angry but when just after the sign the traffic broke up and was moving at 70 mph again and guess what!? THERE WAS NO ROAD WORK AHEAD. That's an hour of my life wasted because of these stupid signs.

Back to my original story… traffic was heavy this morning bumper to bumper 50 mph up to the electronic sign in Centerville warning of an accident on the I-215 split off and left lane was closed at I-215. Yeah, what ever, that happens every couple of months anyway so it's no big deal and traffic picked up again. When we got to North Salt Lake traffic grinded to a halt again… ugh this is where I thought the I-215 traffic was going to catch us, but right there in the middle of the freeway was a disabled Semi. Why was it disabled, well, it was missing a front tire and I think that had to do with the little white car facing the wrong way against the cement barrier on the left hand side of the road and the glass and liquid (maybe gas) strewn across all 5 lanes of traffic. It couldn't have happened to long before we got there because police hadn't had a chance to close any lanes at that point and we just zoomed through… okay we crawled through giving all the rubber neckers the chance to look. (My comment to that is if more people carpooled it would cut down on traffic & rubber neck slowdowns because more passengers could look while the driver continued to drive) As soon as we were through that everyone started merging into my lane to be in my way and then to merge into the farthest right lane in hopes to avoid the accident on I-215. Which again included a car facing the wrong direction and lots of police cars. I being the driver didn't get a chance to rubber neck that one because I was driving.

Argh. People who can't drive make me angry. Traffic makes me angry. Being awake and commuting at 6 am makes me angry.


ScottBoomer said...

Comming from a Friefighter/EMT who has had to spend some time standing on the freeway, the slower the traffic the better. Ya know what I'm sayin!

Unknown said...

yes scott, I know.

ScottBoomer said...

It's always a good time whenever we get to shut the freeway down.

Unknown said...

I'm fine with that as long as I'm not stuck behind it. :)

ScottBoomer said...

Funny thing, we just took a call on the freeway. Freaky huh?

Unknown said...

wow, that is so ironic. There are never accidents on the freeway.... I hope everyone slowed down for you.