Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ghost Hunting, Star Wars and Naked Elders

Yep, that’s what I dreamed about last night. It started out as my road trip to Washington to see the oldest sister, but somewhere along the way I decided to visit a ghost town and do some ghost hunting so I pulled out my mini tape player and started wandering through this town. Here’s where it was hard to decide what character I was in this dream, was I me, was I the ghosts, or was I omnipotent and was seeing everything in a 3rd person view. **shrug** I’m not 100% clear on all the details but I do remember that these ghosts were evil and they were out to get me. I had caught a lot of EVP on my mini recorder all warning me to get out or leave this place and I was being attacked physically by these unearthly beings so much so that I had to try to find my way back to my car.

On the way there I was pulled into this house and was suddenly a missionary again and there were a bunch of sister missionaries standing around waiting for their auditions and suddenly I realized that I was not prepared for this and I need an audition piece quickly. So I ran next door and bought a doughnut and a soda and I think I even got some Pop Rocks. And by the time I came out of the store the bus was leaving.
So I loaded up and we all drove to an auditorium where we met up with the elders and suddenly I was in charge of getting everyone organized and on to the risers for our performance. Once everyone was lined up I again realized that I was unprepared and went to the store next door to find what I was looking for. This was a comic book store and there were large metal bins full of Star Wars ships and there were more on the walls and in the glass counter space. I had to look through the boxes of discount comic books to find my Jedi outfit I had to find my tunic and cloak and was having trouble finding my lightsaber so I had to leave without it. When I got back to the auditorium I noticed that there were some elders milling about near the exit (which happened to be the west entrance to the Kaysville Tabernacle). Here is where I noticed that they were all guys I had known from high school. I yelled at them all and sent them back to their spots on the risers but there was one disobedient fellow who we’ll call “Jeff Dopp” who just would not obey and as he was mocking me and sticking his tongue out at me with his thumbs in his e
ars and fingers spread in the “nanny nanny boo boo” pose I realize he’s naked.
I thought to myself “how long has he been naked” and then “that’s funny, it didn’t even phase me” and then he disappeared and reappeared in the middle of a large group just running amuck without any clothes on.

That’s pretty much my whole dream since I was rudely awakened by the beep beep beep beep beep of my alarm clock at 5 am. On pondering this strange dream further I see that conversations and last thoughts of the day may have had a huge sway on what I dreamed about.
Yesterday I read a most amusing post on my brother’s website regarding the ability to see visitors from the great beyond ( and my oldest sister’s reminder of the “angry man” who “lived” with them in her trailer when she first moved to Washington. Mixed with the discussion of those awkward “naked” dreams where you show up to work or school and realize that you don’t have any clothes on. And then my last thought before I drifted off to sleep was how John doesn’t like sleeping in our house when it’s really dark because the shadows on the ceiling sometimes solidify and move in and out of the room by crawling across the ceiling and somehow having a night light in the kitchen makes the moving shadows less noticeable. Where my need for my Jedi Robes came from and why I needed to audition to be a missionary are just random chance of dreaming.


Anonymous said...

I love dreams!!! If you want this analyzed let me's my favorite thing in the world!!! I believe that when you have a dream that is this vivid it means something!!!

Unknown said...

go a head retch2k analyze my dreaam I'd like to hear it.

Jeff Dopp said...

So, I read your blog and noticed you had a dream about me and I was naked. Me and my rich friends were wondering if it was the Fat Jeff Dopp or the Skinny Jeff Dopp. Because the thing is depending on which one you saw, your enjoyment level of the dream would be drastically different. Let us know.

Jeff Dopp