Saturday, October 6, 2007

October Memories

October is full of wonderful memories. I have two very special companions who I got to spend one of the best Halloweens ever with. Sure, we were missionaries so we couldn't do anything really fun, but we made the best of it. We dressed up as each other if I recall correctly, I dressed as Suzy (I totally look awesome in orange), and Suzy wore one of my "old lady" suits and Holly.... well I don't remember who she was being? me maybe? I don't remember :) oh well.
We decorated our apartment door and we had plenty of candy to give away. In one of our "mental health" moments I had purchased a Halloween CD that we used to freak out our roommates. It was entertaining. I also recall that we had loaned our car to the Elders that day and we had to walk to the church to get it back from them and also to attend a Ward Halloween Party. As we were walking to the church Suzy asked me to carry her sweater and we were draping it over my bag when I fell off the street and damaged myself. :( I twisted my ankle and scraped my knees and I even sprained my wrist. When I get hurt I like to do a really good job of it. We were halfway between our apartment and the church so we figured we should just go the rest of the way and get our car back. So in the end it was a very exciting day. I love these two girls like family.
I was very blessed to have the companions I was given, good and bad, they each taught me something, either about myself, the gospel or patience.

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