Wednesday, October 3, 2007


So just when I think my brother can’t get any more ridiculous... Remember that time when he wanted to name his first daughter Tangerine or that other time when he warned me to always have a red alarm clock in my room to keep away the ghosts or that other time when he wrote a song just for me called “I’m so sad I need some french fries” or that other time where he frightened my future husband by hollering and screaming about getting his gun when JR picked me up for a date once or... there was this other time well, all the time really, when he would wear his underwear on his head before going to the shower or my personal favorite when he decided to set up a website and charge people $10 to save their soul so he could make his millions. Well to be the "remember when" moment for this year will be when I noticed on his website a button marked “Donate” which conveniently leads to PayPal where you can donate to his college fund. I thought briefly that maybe I would, just for fun, but then I remembered I’m already paying for someone to go to college.
Wow, my family is totally weird.

1 comment:

Jessica Pears said...

Your family is totally wierd and admitting it is the first step to recovery.