Monday, October 29, 2007

Book Review

The Creative Journal for Teens: Making Friends With Yourself
By Lucia Capacchione, PhD

To start off with, the writer of this book is a Counselor who uses Creative Writing and Art Therapy as ways of getting through to people.

This book is great. I have recently found that I feel a need to write in my journal, but that my life isn't exciting enough to put on paper. Amazingly enough I was staring at my bookshelf and there it was. This book. I bought it while I was on my mission thinking it would be interesting to have different ideas for journal entries. But I packed it away and it hasn't been seen since. Until now.

Dr. Capacchione lists several different journal writing exercises and ways to use your writings to better understand yourself. She also reminds you over and over that your journal is yours. It doesn't matter that you can't spell or draw and no one is grading you or judging you by what you write so make your journal a part of you and do what you feel because no one should be reading it but you.

All in all this book was very informitive and I have been writing in my journal for the past few weeks not I just have to keep it up - I have also been using some of the topics proposed in the book as blog inspiration.

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