Sunday, October 21, 2007

Commenting on Comments ~

Again a judgmental comment from someone who is to good to even leave a name.

I am no different now then I was then and if you think differently then you really didn't know "Sister Pears".
I had 13 companions. 6 I loved. 1 I had twice. 1 I am indifferent towards and 5 I hated and made no secret about it.
It’s because of people who judge me and think they know me that I find it very hard to wake up for church on Sunday mornings.
Don’t get me wrong here. I always had a respect for the District Leaders and Zone Leaders leaders I was able to serve with, and here in post-mission life there is only one District Leader I respect enough and adore enough that his opinion would even come close to counting, but all things considered no one really knows what happens behind closed doors.
I had companions that were so awful to me that I literally hated myself by the time we were separated and many times I had money in my account to just go home because I hated everyone so much. I have had my faith and my self image shaken to the very core by missionaries that were supposed to be serving the Lord not belittling their companions.
For the larger part of my mission I hated it. I hated everyone around me and everything about it. Did you know that? Did you ever look me in the eye and ask how my companionship was and if I was happy? Did you ever sit in the closet and cry with me because I had been told for the thousandth time that I was a terrible missionary? Were you in the car with me when a certain sister insulted me and then just walked away like she was the better of the two? Were you in my president interviews where I would ask if I could just go home or have a new companion? Were you?
I have always had the same opinion about these people that has not changed. I have not changed. Perhaps life experience has made me more bitter towards the outside world and opened my eyes to the fact that people are generally rotten to the core and then there are those rare ones who can sit and listen to an opinion and just take it as an opinion. I'm not spouting gospel doctrine here. Just because I have my opinion doesn't always mean I'm right, but the last I checked I was living in America where I have a inalienable right to say what I think.

Walk a mile in my shoes. You might find that life isn't peaches and cream for all of us.


z said...

Very Well Said. As a self-proclaimed non-Mormon due to the self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude of so many "Mormon's" I actually left the church. I can tell by the response of some of the people who "served" with you that they still have the same attitude that drove me away from the church.
As said above. This is a blog, it's based on individual opinions, if you dont have the same opinion, that is your right. However, if the opinion stated offends you so much you feel the need to write a belittling, condescending, holier-than- thou response, maybe you should post is on YOUR blog. You and the other "members" that pretend that you have never done anything wrong or even had a bad thought about a fellow companion must really re-evaluate your "reality". You are the same type of person that will not let their kids play with the "non-morons" because there is a change they will be demonized or something. The only time you would allow yourself or your children play with non-members would be only when there was a chance to "save them". It really drives me crazy the hypocrisy of your posts. I know you will all discount what I am saying because I must be a sinner since I don’t go to the same church as you do, but that will just further prove I am right about your poor attitude.
IF you have problems with me, head over to my blog, (notice, I am not posting as anonymous because I have NOTHING to hide) I have plenty of time and I am more than willing to discuss the “truth.” However keep in mind; I enjoy a good argument and making people cry. :)

To the Owner of the Blog, Keep your head up because you are obviously less judgmental then the ones that are responding to yours. Remember “clique’s” are for high school and apparently your “sister’s” are still there. It's not like the comments posted by others are being posted by people with there own mind, as in the movie Mean Girls, they are a bunch of "plastics."
Also remember, you will never be as bitter as I am and that is a good thing.

Unknown said...

Thank You and Amen.

purplesandel said...

hey there Liz!
I was going to comment on the other comments but never got around to it. I just have to let you know, you're awesome!
I think it's crazy to think you "can't" post your opinion and feelings on your own blog! Our society is too politically correct. People like your missionary compainions are the reason why my dad almost left the church. He now realizes the church isn't the important thing, it's your personal relationship with Christ that matters. You can go to all your meetings and hold callings, but if you don't develop your relationship with Christ, those things don't matter. Those things are there to help us develop our relationship with Christ, but sometimes we let them get in the way, just as the Pharosies(?) did in Christ's time. They had so many rules and regulations that they forgot why they were put there in the first place. We have a lot of that in the church(and also out of the church). The story of the 10 virgins is a parable of the CHURCH!!!! Half was NOT ready!!!!
Anyway, enough soap boxing. I am sorry to say Liz, but you seem to be able to bring out peoples true personalities(?) when they are around you. You can really see those who are good people and those who aren't. I know of a few other people like that. Maybe it's a form of discernment? At least you know which ones will stab you in the back.
Keep writing- I love to read your blog!