Friday, September 19, 2008

Today be Talk Like a Pirate Day.

I have had a great amount o' joy in speakin' like a pirate today. I have "yar'd" at me mateys and "Arrgh'd" at me family. and even confused t' heck out o' me husband.
It has also been t' Two year Anniversary o' me little sister's brain tumor and t' One year Anniversary o' when I learned o' Robert Jordan's death...
But above all...
Today (I believe) be t' One year Anniversary o' o' this blog!
Today has been a good day.
(aside from that bad luck curse that I have apparently passed on to Scrat, who I have told that if she birth's her baby today instead of Kae for a middle name it needs to be Arrrrrgh)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I refuse to have the baby before midnight tonight because I would hate to have pirate day mixed up with baby k's birthday. Maybe you should get pregnant in 3 months and have your baby on pirate day though!! arrrgh matey, thanks for the bad luck today!