Friday, December 5, 2008



If I was to bring up a law suite regarding my inability to drive into work due to the detrimental nature of my commute who would I sue? The state? UDOT? Highway Patrol? or do I take down every license plate number that nearly kills me and sue them all as individuals? There is something to ponder.


This morning driving into work the average speed through Davis County was between 75 – 80 Miles Per Hour. And apparently the HOV Lane is not a car pool lane like we have all been led to believe, it’s the “SUPER PASSING LANE!” that anyone can use.


What has gotten me on this topic this morning??


Well, let me tell you about our drive to work this morning. Heading southbound on I-15 through Davis county, between Kaysville and Centerville, my husband and I merged into the HOV lane going about 75-80 mph. (Mind you, the posted speed limit is only 65.) We were driving along keeping up with traffic when behind us comes roaring up a large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC approaching as close to our back end as possible while swerving back and forth in an attempt to get us to move. Well, Double White Lines on the HOV Lane restrict people from crossing. It is Illegal. Well this large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC apparently hasn’t heard that or that the speed Limit is only 65 and in morning traffic 80 is a reasonable speed (not really in my opinion but…) Well apparently we were just pissing him off because he turned on his brights. And I’m not saying he flashed his brights at us - He TURNED ON his brights and left them on for a like a minute. Because Blinding other drivers is apparently a good idea while driving at high speeds. Yeah, really grown up. REALLY?! After he finally turned off his brights he again flashed us several times but excuse me, there were still TWO SOLID WHITE LINES which in my learning is ILLEGAL to cross.


When the HOV lane finally broke to allow passing, before John to move over, Dumb Ass in his large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC flies into the other lane and then cuts back in front of us narrowly missing the front end front end of our car. THEN, he slams on his breaks.


Side note: People don’t realize that if they are playing the “who values their car more game” John and I would just love to have someone hit us to take this current problem off our hands.




Finally having the ability to move into the other lane John speeds back up to traffic and again, Dumb Ass in his large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC pulls up beside us and not only swerves towards us, but the passenger shines a flashlight out the window into John’s face, and again I say: Because BLINDING other drivers is apparently a good idea while driving at high speeds. He does this for several minutes and John slowed down a bit just to let the Ass in the large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC pass but that apparently wasn’t good enough for the large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC so he would slow down or speed up to match our speed.


This is where I had it. I wrote down the morons Utah License Plate # A20 6AC and description of the truck and called the Utah Highway Patrol. I honestly think the Dispatcher on the phone was just patronizing me, but she said she put a bulletin out on the large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC for Reckless Driving, and IF they could catch him they’d give me a call.


I honestly have no faith in the UHP. The last Trooper we had to deal with was such a jerk to my husband and treated us like criminals when we were the MIDDLE car in an accident. I hate them and hope that I never have to deal with another.


I don’t think any UHP officer is going to even try to locate the large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC and give it a citation for trying to kill me this morning.  Where are they in Davis county anyway when I can’t even drive home from work unless I’m going 85+ mph just so I don’t get run down. No one is being ticketed. No one is being pulled over. And VERY RARELY do I ever even see a Marked car patrolling the area. And lets not even start on the fact that the “off duty officers” are just as bad as everyone else.


Maybe (and that’s a big maybe) if the UHP would crack down and pull over EVERY possible person they could more people would be a little more considerate and try to slow down a little. Sure, it took me getting 6 speeding tickets to get it through my head, but sometimes it takes more then once.


So if anyone comes across a large, white, Dodge Big Horn 4X4 Extended Cab Pickup Utah License Plate # A20 6AC feel free to run them off the road for me, they probably deserve it.


John should have just slammed on his breaks that way he would have been ticketed we could have gotten a new car, and I’d get retribution for someone really pissing me off this morning.



Helpful information – These Phone #’s are now stored in my phone for future use, maybe you should put them in yours too:


UHP Dispatch Salt Lake City:               801-877-9800

UHP Dispatch Davis County:                801-447-8120

UHP Dispatch Weber County:              801-393-1136




EmandZachsmom said...

I'm sorry for swearing.. but what a bastard!!! I have had people like that do that to me recently. They should lose their license and had a shock collar put on, Every time they touch a stearing wheel it should go off...

I am really feisty these days.. Sorry.

EmandZachsmom said...

LOL one more thing.. I just had to spell PENISU on your word verification. It made me giggle a bit.

Anonymous said...

I agree, that guy sounds like a bastard...although technically speaking, "bastard," while it may be a derogatory word, it is not a swear word. =)

ScottBoomer said...

They do send those out to the officers I hear them all time on our radios here at KFD. There's just so many of them and so few officers that unless the officer is right there when they send them out they don't stand to good of a chance of catching them.
I just assume that some day their bad driving will catch up with them in the form of a ticket or a crash.

Ker said...

UGH...I HATE people like that!

Loran said...

Never, Never, NEVER, put up with that. You can and should dial 911. You can still call the UHP and file an aggressive motorist complaint on him. They will list his vehicle as aggressive and watch for him. Also, if he is ever invovled in a accident he will be under investigation of aggressive driving. You really should turn this guy in. I do not want this guy on the road with the ones I love.

Lindsay said...

In a not entirely related story, I got pulled over last night coming home from Lari and Scott's. It was one AM and I had a tail light out. Apparently one of my head lights had recently burnt out as well. After the officer pulled me over (at the top of my street) he asked, "Have you been drinking?" It was really bizarre. Anywho, my lights are now fixed. It was only the second time I've ever been pulled over.