Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Another day another book

Brisingr (Inheritance Cycle - Book 3) by Christopher Paolini

How did I like the book? Meh.

I don't like the author, but the story itself is good. There is so much I could complain about this book but I wont... or if I do I'll do it at a later date.

I’ll just say this:
I wish my parents owned their own publishing company so I could publish crap too.

I think I'll scream if I have to see the word Impregnate or Gore again. Please. Mr. Paolini... Don't use your thesaurus so much OR at least use a different word. Just use words that us stupid people can understand.

Other words he could have used instead of Impregnate and or Impregnable

and really!? Does EVERYTHING have to be covered in gore? How about just plain old blood or flesh wound … anything.

The switching between character point of view didn’t really get on my nerves until the end of the book with Orimis and his dragon. Bleh. Just get it over with already.

And Christopher Paolini has apparently never had to deal with a pregnant woman to see how quickly Katrina’s pregnancy is progressing. It seemed to me like the entire book took just over a few weeks from the beginning to end. Not many women I know know they’re pregnant 3 days after the fact and even less who have expanding waist lines within the first three weeks. Ack!

It's just one of those series' that I have to finish like it or not. Ugh!

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