Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mental Complex

Over the last few years I have noticed something strange about the world around me. It seems that when I drive under street lights they turn off. This wasn’t really an issue with me until lately when I notice that the same lights go off every time I drive under them each and every day. . .


I started noticing this phenomenon about eight years ago while working at KB Toy in the Newgate Mall. Every night while driving home I’d notice that each time I drove around the loop to enter I-15 one specific street light would go out. I didn’t really think much of it other then jokingly commenting to my friends that it must be my magnetic personality. After that I went on my mission and didn’t have time to really notice if street lights went out when I was near, but I did notice a few times.


Since being home I have noticed more and more often that street light go out when I draw near, and it is starting to give me a complex. Not to long ago my husband started pointing this out to me everywhere we go... Is it my fault they’re going out? Why do they always go out when I’m near? Do I really have a magnetic field causing the problems? Is it the alien implant causing this?


z said...

Well, the alien implant sounds like an awesome choice. Lets go with that one. However, on a more realistic view, I guess I will give you a little information about streetlights and why they do what they do...Streetlights are a type of light called a Metal Halide or sometime a Mercury bulb. These lights run off of tremendous amounts of power. In order for these bulbs to function correctly and to extend the life of the bulb and the ballast, they are setup to turn the light off after every few hours of usage. Therefore the possibility that the streetlight will turn off when someone passes by, is really quite probable. The fact that you have noticed it more and more is just because of your awareness of situation. This is much like when buying a new car, lets say you buy a Ford Focus for some reason. Before you buy the car, you do not notice very many of them. Nevertheless, the second you drive off the lot, it seems that every other car on the road is a Focus. This is just your perception of reality and what you notice. BUT I think I am still going to say it’s the implant.

Anonymous said...

I think it's either your magnetic personality, or it could be ghosts. I don't really think it's aliens.

Anonymous said...

what about alien ghosts?......it could happen!

Anonymous said...

Oooo... I know what it is! It's the sock that you lost in the dryer! You know the one. It always gets lost... well it followed you around... it's the alien.